Monday, November 19, 2007

Missing data in XML (format FMPXMLRESULT)

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We usually have XML data with some value missing, like in this example:

<DATA />

In order that the XML reader overlooks the data missing at the second position in a consistent way, the following condition can be used (the following code is "conceptual", which means that it is not the real one that is currently running):


if (currentReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text)
if (isRowToRetrieve)
rowInfo[columnIndex] = reader.Value;

if (columnIndex == ProdIDPos)
//Values capture
valuesArray[valuesIndex++] = currentReader.Value;
else if (columnIndex == QuantityPos)
//Quantities capture
quantitiesArray[quantitiesIndex++] = currentReader.Value;
else if{(...)}


if ((lastElementName == "DATA") && (currentReader.Name == "DATA") && (lastNodeType != XmlNodeType.Text))
Log("Quantity for "+ valuesArray[quantitiesIndex] +" is missing");

Then the key item here is the consideration that, between a XML ElementName and EndElementName, a XML NodeType Text is expected