Tuesday, June 10, 2008


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For the Tourline email, I needed to parse an FM CVS Export file. First, I split up the fields with a "split" function...

//First, make sure any old files are cleaned up.

//Ask FM to generate the new file
Utils.Tools.RunFMScript("Shipments.fp5", "TourlineExport");
Utils.Tools.WaitForFMGenerateFile(m_strOutFile, 120);
System.IO.TextReader reader = null;
if (System.IO.File.Exists(m_strOutFile))
reader = System.IO.File.OpenText(m_strOutFile);
while (reader.Peek() > -1) {
string strLine = reader.ReadLine();
if (strLine.Length > 0 && '"' == strLine[0])
strLine = strLine.Substring(1);
if (strLine.Length > 0 && '"' == strLine[strLine.Length - 1])
strLine = strLine.Substring(0, strLine.Length - 1);
string[] splitter = { "\",\"" };
string[] shipmentLines = strLine.Split(splitter, StringSplitOptions.None);

To index into shipmentLines, I started doing the following...

const int k_shipmentID = 0;
const int k_invoiceID = 1;
const int k_title = 2;
const int k_firstNames = 3;
const int k_surname = 4;

...but quickly realized that it was hard to maintain (if the needed fields change, or the number of fields change - whatever). Therefore, I started using enums

enum FMFields
ShipmentID, InvoiceID, Title, FirstNames, Surname, Street, Street2,
Town, City, County, Country, PostalCode, StrUnfoInfo, InvoiceTotal, ScannedStatus,

Much nicer, and easier to maintain - and less typing to boot! Note that I use the .NET convention of capitalizing both the enum name and the names of the members.